Low Gas Prices and America

api.asp.pngAs a child, whenever we went on vacation I remember my dad looking for a gas station which cost the least. I never thought it was a big deal, considering the costs from different gas stations only varied by a few cents. Never would I have thought a few cents could cost me hundreds in the long run. My parents paid for my car so it was my responsibility to pay for gas. To fully fill my tank (I always get regular) it usually cost about $40. Every time it cost less than $40, it made me so happy because I had more money to spend on other things.

I think the decreasing gas price is great for the consumers. It saves the consumers money but what not all consumers understand is that the cheaper the gas is, the more the places giving us the gas and oil are affected. The oil exported from oil producing countries is being sold at the same rate but the returning income is less. The decreasing cost of gas and oil is beneficial for consumers but it’s unfortunate for those producing it.


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